


ESG 中心誠徵學生研究員
 研究主題:COVID-19之下的公民社會組織調適
環境、社會、企業治理中心(簡稱ESG 中心)將針對「Covid-19 疫情之下不同
趣在 ESG 框架之下發展其研究主題。
 主持人:清大科管所王振源、錢克瑄及申欽鳴教授
 徵求條件:
 目前在學學生(大學部、碩士班、博士班皆可)
 對於學術研究有興趣
 能以英文溝通、研究、寫作
 自發學習能力強
 具統計軟體能力者尤佳
 擬徵人數:4-7 名
 工作時數:每週10-15 小時
 待遇:5,000-20,000/月
 工作期程:即日起至今年(2021)八月(視情況延長)
意者請將英文履歷以及cover letter(意願說明信)寄給申欽鳴教授


Job Announcement:
Student Researchers in the Center for ESG
Position: student researcher
Eligibility: students at all levels (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral)
Number of available positions: 4 to 7
Institution: Center for ESG
Main tasks: all activities associated with academic research
Necessary skills: high motivation to learn about and carry out academic research; professional
English proficiency; ability to work with statistical software; willingness to travel; self-starter;
ability to work with others
Work hours: 10-15 hours per week
Remuneration: 5,000-20,000 NTD per month, commensurate with skills and time commitment
Appointment period: now to summer of 2021 (extendable)
Faculty advisors: Professor Chan-Yuan Wong, Professor Ker-hsuan, and Professor Kyoung Shin
Brief job description:
We are hiring 4 to 7 student researchers to be part of the Center for ESG (i.e., “Environmental,
Social, and Corporate Governance”), a new research center founded in the Institute of Technology
Management at NTHU. As the name suggests, we aim to conduct varieties of research related to
ESG. Researchers will also be given a chance to shape research according to their own interest
within the broad framework of ESG.
In the spring and summer of 2021, we will be carrying out a project, tentatively entitled, “civil
society organizations in the aftermath of COVID-19.” Broadly put, we plan to investigate the role
of civil society organizations involved in ESG during the current pandemic, and how they are
reimagining or repurposing their role in their communities in a post-pandemic world. We are
particularly interested in how these issues are manifested across different communities, societies, or
The student researchers are expected to carry out a number of research activities, such as:
 Work with publicly available dataset.
 Conduct a literature review of relevant scholarly findings and debates.
 Collect, manipulate, and analyze large-N statistical data.
 Identify and conduct in-depth case studies.
 Conduct face-to-face interviews with relevant actors.
 Design and conduct surveys.
Depending on their interest, the student researchers will have the opportunity to continue to work
beyond the time-frame specified above.
If you are interested, please send your résumé or CV with a cover letter to Professor Kyoung Shin
(shin@mx.nthu.edu.tw) and Professor Chan-Yuan Wong (wcy@mx.nthu.edu.tw). The short-listed
candidates will be invited for an interview.



公告單位: 國立清華大學